The following table is an ongoing list of items/features added to the site that might be of interest. Newest items are at the top.
Wed, 08-10-2011 | I removed a lot of the links on the right column of the index page because it caused the page to load really slowly with all the gethost ip function calls. Also... updated my resume, replaced old CS email links with the gmail address, cleaned up miscellaneous stuff on the index page, and updated my pc section |
Sat, 01-22-2010 | New pics: soledad_canyon_2010, missoula_bridge_2010, home_summer_2010, quail_ridge, albuquerque_high_desert_2010, dripping_springs_2010, toads_vs_chiles_2010, santa_fe_10s_2010, soledad_canyon_2010_t2, stereo_install_2010, whitesands_2010, leasburg_2010, aquirre_springs_2010, san_diego_2010_winter, bridgers_summer_2010, trail_creek_2010 |
Sun, 11-09-2008 | New pics: las_vegas_nm_2008, san_diego_2008, huntington_2007, london_2008, ireland_2008, winter_park, florida_range, home_summer_2008, el_paso_ryans_wedding, needle_04_13_2008, san_diego_2008, dog_canyon_2007, dog_canyon_2008, riverton_2007, loveland, justins_wedding, dog_canyon_2007_2, miami_2007, needle_2007, phoenix_sizzling_sevens_2007, sierra_blanca_2007, medicine_bow, memorial_day_2008, ski_apache_2008, dog_canyon_parents_2008 |
Sun, 09-30-2007 | Compiler Art: [compilerart]. I call it compiler art because in between code compiles, I like to draw with MSPaint. Of course it takes forever that way, but I write a lot of code ;-) |
Mon, 4-30-2007 | Added the following photo sections: [beartooths_2006] [cave_2006] [hilite_2006] [home_summer_2006] [home_xmas_2006] [huntington_2006] [las_cruces] [massachusettes_2006] [mazatlan_2006] [puerto_pinasco_2006] [puerto_pinasco_2007] [quail_ridge] [san_diego_7s_2007] [san_diego_trip_2007] [scottsdale_2006] [vegas_2006] [vegas_rodeo_2006] [whitesands_work] [yuma] |
Sun, 1-14-2007 | We ordered comcast again, so the home server is back up. I updated the C++ page and fixed the script for resolving the ip on the index page. I recompiled most of my old code, getting it to work with the latest includes/libraries and also converting it to us Visual Studio 8. |
Tue, 12-27-2005 | Photos: [hungtington_2006]. If you haven't noticed, our home webserver (tachyon) is offline. We don't have cable internet anymore, so it will be offline until further notice. |
Tue, 12-27-2005 | Photos: [home_xmas_2005][salt_lake_2005][fillmore_2005] |
Mon, 12-12-2005 | Photos: [banquet_fall_2005] |
Tue, 11-29-2005 | Dynamic DNS pointers were changed from * to * because gotdns booted us. So now our home network is at . |
Tue, 11-15-2005 | Photos: [xiles_2005][halloween_2005][chiles_vs_asu_2005][chiles_vs_brujos_2005] |
Mon, 10-03-2005 | UNM Game last weekend in Albuquerque: [chiles_vs_unm_2005] |
Mon, 09-19-2005 | Photos: [santafe_10s_2004][banquet_fall_2004][san_diego_2005][vegas_2005] |
Fri, 09-08-2005 | Photos: [santa_fe_10s_2005] |
Fri, 08-26-2005 | Converted all C++ projects over from Visual Studio 6 to Visual Studio 7 |
Wed, 08-10-2005 | Photos from MT vacation: [glacier_park_2005][moose_creek_2005] |
Sun, 08-07-2005 | More Photos: [glacier_park_2005][home_2005][canyon_fairy_2005][vegas_2005] |
Mon, 08-01-2005 | Photos: [trail_creek_2003][chicago_2004][madison_floating][home_2004][whitesands_2005][chiles_vs_wy_2005] |
Fri, 07-01-2005 | Photos: [needle_2005] [socorro_2005] [dallas_westerns_vatos] [vegas_2004] [vegas_2005] [albuquerque7s_2005] [albquerque_high_desert_2004] [santa_fe_10s_2003] [banquet_spring_2004] [banquet_spring_2005] [2050_missouri] [banquet_fall_2003] |
Thu, 06-23-2005 | Modified lepton and meson domain pointers to point to my new work computers, but there are no services on them. |
Sat, 06-11-2005 | I had to format one of my hard drives and reinstall windows thanks to a beta version of service pack 2. I had 64 bit windows running for a while, but decided to go back to 32 bit XP Pro SP2 for various reasons. Problem was, something got messed up in the BIOS and the computer would crash every 4-6 hours at random. The problem is finally fixed, so tachyon's FTP and HTTP servers are back up permanently -- however, the cable link to our house is crappy, so our cable internet has a tendency to work for a while and then break again. We're trying to get Comcast to fix it... |
Tue, 12-14-2004 | Tachyon's services are back online. Qwest was ripping us off so we switched over to Comcast 3.0Mbit down/256k up cable internet -- which is faster and cheaper. There is also a new program called MovieMonitor that I added to the C++ page. |
Mon, 11-15-2004 | I added a program for simulating the emmergent behaviors involved in swarming on the MFC/C++ page. I also fixed all the links on that page since I hadn't switched them over to the new server (oops). |
Tue, 10-26-2004 | I setup dynamic DNS forwarding with today, so now both the work and home webservers are online. |
Thu, 10-21-2004 | I fixed a few minor things in LaunchExtract a few weeks ago, so now it parses pages better. I also replaced the program WFA with a much more powerful program called Gotcha... which can be used to autofill forms on spam websites that are more sophisticated. And lastly, the raytracer has a few small modifications as well. See the C++ page for more info. |
Tue, 10-19-2004 | I took two of the hard drives from my computer at work to my new home computer, so some content is no longer online. I just recently got our DSL gateway's port forwarding to work, so soon I'll have web/ftp servers on the home PC as well. |
Mon, 10-11-2004 | Now my esus email account expired too, so my official email address is . I have gone through my website and updated my contact info accordingly. My resume has been updated with the new website and contact information as well. Yesterday I went through all of the programs on the MFC/C++ page and made sure they are all compatible with Windows XP by statically linking in the appropriate MFC dlls. |
Fri, 09-24-2004 | My esus account was expired, so now I moved my website here ( It make take a few days to migrate everything over to the new server. Also, I developed a roll of film the other day... [santafe_10s_2004] [2050_missouri] [soledad_canyon][whitesands_2004] |
Tue, 08-03-2004 | New rugby pictures from last year.[chiles_vs_unm_2003] [chiles_vs_scorps_2003] [south_padre_island] [desert_bash_2003] [rugby_house_2003] [banquet_fall_2003] |
Mon, 08-02-2004 | I got a gmail account! ( ) I also moved to a new address as well. |
Mon, 07-19-2004 | Here are the photos from our trip to glacier park in the Z3. |
Tue, 07-12-2004 | I'm back from vacation, and I brought pictures! [chiles_vs_scorps_elp_2004] [chiles_vs_scorps_home_2004] [canyon_fairy] [gila_wilderness_2004] [home_2004] [absorkees_2004] [crazies_2004] |
Sun, 07-11-2004 | My IP changed from to while I was gone. |
Mon, 06-07-2004 | Fixed picture links on this page. |
Wed, 03-24-2004 | Added new programs to the VC++ page, && modified the coding page. _Lib is a collection of classes that I've written over the years, && use in many of my projects. FractAlgs is a small sample program that demonstrates a few scenes for my raytracer. LaunchExtract is for downloading music videos from, && PSControl is a small program to try && guess a windows network connection password (if you're a numnuts like me && forgot yours). |
Tue, 12-30-2003 | They're up again. (HTTP/FTP Servers) |
Thu, 12-11-2003 | The HTTP && FTP servers will be down for the rest of the week... I'll let u guys know when they're back up. |
Fri, 12-05-2003 | It's hard to find preview videos for Half Life 2, and FilePlanet is worthless, so I put them on my webserver. |
Wed, 11-05-2003 | Here are a couple of pictures of my Rx7 engine about to be put in... [1][2] |
Wed, 07-30-2003 | Since I can't find any IIS ISAPI filters to limit the number of connections per IP, I have taken all the "high bandwidth" items off the HTTP server. |
Mon, 05-19-2003 | Pictures from hiking yesterday at Dripping Springs, && some hikes at the Rio Grande and Alamogordo. |
Wed, 03-05-2003 |
Last weekend -- Saturday to be exact, I took my little RX7 over the bridge to Juarez Mexico |
Tue, 02-05-2003 | I have a few pictures from a hiking trip near the Apache Ski Resort. |
Sun, 02-16-2003 | I wrote a short tutorial for the backward propagation algorithm && added some content to the VC++ page. Also my webserver is up with a new ip. |
Sat, 02-15-2003 | The CBackProp neural networking is released. |
Sat, 12-21-2002 | The webserver is back online :o) |
Fri, 12-06-2002 | I'm moving in with Bedhead && Mike manana, so my home website will be offline for a while. I moved the pictures to my bytehammer server, so they'll still be available. The streaming playlists, mp3s, apps, movies, && wallpapers will be gone. |
Tue, 12-03-2002 |
I now have a cell phone! 505-640-7858. |
Mon, 12-03-2002 | Pictures from Las Vegas Nevada and Hoover Dam. |
Tue, 11-26-2002 | Updated the work/resume section. |
Sat, 11-22-2002 | Since a lot of people have been wondering "What exactly do you do over there at the cotton gin lab?", I have decided to put up a short summary of the CottonEye application && some pictures. |
Fri, 11-22-2002 |
Julia Set Quaternions! How cool is that??! [0][1][2][3]. The pictures you see are actually 3 dimensional raytracings of a slice of a 4th dimensional Julia quaternion. A Quaternion is a 4 component imaginary vector, (using components r, i, j, k -- where i,j, and k are imaginary numbers). |
Tue, 11-05-2002 | For nostalgic purposes, I uploaded the TI-82 code for minesweeper that I wrote in high school study hall, which can be played with a physical TI-82 calculator or a TI-82 emulator. |
Sun, 11-03-2002 | Fixed a couple of broken links in the paper section. Added my "Favorites" list of internet sites. |
Sun 10-27-2002 | Updated my playlists. |
Mon, 10-21-2002 | Pics from the Albuquerque High Desert tournament last weekend. We took second in the collegiate division. |
Mon, 10-14-2002 | Pics from the Albuquerque Brujos game last weekend. Chiles whooped up! Murphy scored twice... hey Zulu Warrior! |
Sun, 10-13-2002 | Using Ulead's 3D panorama stitcher, I pieced together a panorama taken from the top of a peak near Mill Creek pass. The panorama is in two forms: large flat photo, && Quicktime Movie, (requires Quicktime 4.0 or above). Use the "shift" && "control" keys to zoom in/out. |
Sun, 10-06-2002 | About a year ago I nearly completed a simple MFC program called WFA for submitting forms over the web via HTTP. This morning I had some free time and decided to finish it up. (see C++ page) |
Fri, 10-04-2002 | And then there was my summer....Here are the pictures, in no particular order.... Seattle, Portales, Home, Oahu, The Big Island, Maui, Mill Creek, Cottonwood Canyon, Corbly Canyon , Moose Creek, The Crazies, Southwest Cotton Gin Research Lab, and Floating the Madison. The highlite of Hawaii was cliffjumping on Maui. Here's our house. |
Thu, 10-03-2002 | I modified the m3uConverter script a bit. I fixed a problem with writing to a file that already existed. The main change though, is that now it creates playlists that have clean looking song titles instead of http babble. |
Sun, 06-02-2002 | Yes, I finally GRADUATED!!! I now have a bachelors degree in Computer Science from Montana State University - Bozeman! My resumé is now updated to reflect this. On the weekend before last, our team went to a Rugby 7's tournament in Albuquerque, and following that Skittles and I visited the Albuquerque ski hill . Last weekend, Skittles && I went to Lubbock TX to visit Joe && Holly Carburator && drove to Dallas, where we rode rollercoasters all day && drove around Dallas at night. My new work schedule has been updated. |
Sat, 04-27-2002 | Updated my resumé && rearranged the work section a bit. |
Sun, 04-07-2002 | I added few of my streaming web playlists to the site. As you can see, the index page now has a new quote every day. The quote collection, (which I have been putting together over the last year), is comprised mostly of technology related quotes/facts, and a bit of humor. I couldn't find any simple scripts that picked a quote by date, (they all were either based on page refreshing or used a mysql database), so I wrote my own daily quote picker. |
Mon, 04-01-2002 | Spring break in College Station / South Padre Island was a blast! I posted a tutorial on How to Use flex With Visual Studio, (mostly so I can remember if I ever need to do it again). In the PHP section, I posted a script that will convert a regular playlist into a streaming playlist for web/ftp servers. |
Wed, 03-13-2002 | We had a game against the Albuquerque Brujos last weekend, && this time someone actually took a few pictures! I also have four pics taken from a short hike in the Dripping Springs area && some photos from Pine Tree Trail. |
Fri, 01-25-2002 | Updated class schedule and rugby schedule... |
Sat, 01-12-2002 | Hiking Trips: Fillmore Canyon, Trail Creek, Moose Creek. |
Fri, 11-16-2001 |
I've updated the work section with my current part-time job. I also linked in all my past/present/future code. Oh yeah... I snapped a few pics of our rack-and-pinion Motorola HC11 Lego robot that I built in last semesters assembly/machine language class. |
Fri, 11-16-2001 |
Pics from our pimpin'
costume party && a rugby game where we played
NM Tech are posted. During a hike on Baylor
Canyon trail in the Organ mountains I learned all about cactus &&
thorns the HARD way! There are pictures of the desert's blue skies &&
the highest mountain in TX, (yeeeha!), in the portales
folder. It's slightly overdue, but there are a couple of new pics
from our Madison
rafting trip last summer. My home webserver now has links to some comical pictures/photos, cool mandelbrot configuration files, && some of my wallpapers. |
Wed, 10-31-2001 | The index page has been re-arranged, && I added two weather indicators so everyone can see who's freezing && who's smiling :o) . Also, there are a few more gigs of tunes on my home server && a few new movies. |
Fri, 10-12-2001 | I've decided to link the picture archive for high-res photos to my home webserver. As a backup, the faster loading low res photos still reside on the bytehammer domain. The 2001-2002 rugby schedule for the NSMU Chiles was posted today. |
Thu, 9-20-2001 | Code Red sux. |
Mon, 9-17-2001 | My home webserver now has links to high-res photos, music, and videos (see link on the index page). Enjoy. |
Sat, 9-08-2001 | I uploaded the latest playlists. |
Thu, 9-06-2001 |
Pages that have changed recently on the website: index, contact, interests, pc, schedule, and work. Pics of my 88 RX7, (Sean Olson's old car) are located in the las_cruces folder. |
Wed, 9-05-2001 |
I worked with Matt over the summer at Fuzz Technologies, where we wrote muchos muchos lines of PHP code. I lived in the stadium apartments with James, Randy, and Fred, where we played Unreal, lifted weights, and barbecued. During the summer, we went on many expeditions, including: a trip to the cave, Chico Quarry, Corbly Canyon, a lake near Fairy Lake, the Gallatin Airshow, Highlite, Johnson Canyon, Lewis and Clark, Floating the Madison, && X-country skiing at Trail Creek. There were others, but sometimes we forget the camera :o) Near the end of the summer, Christoff && Matt visited from Massachusetts so we climbed up a peak near Fairy Lake and made a visit to Glacier Park (where we cliff jumped, went hiking, played poker, && stood under a waterfall). Soon after, Simon came back from Fort Bragg North Carolina, Chris && Nick && Iaan got off work, && Erik came back from Abelene Texas. Time to climb Granite Peak!! The highest mountain in MT -- 12,800 feet. The day after we got back from Granite Peak, our friend Brett arrived from Pennsylvania && Annie got some time off from work --so... we went rafting on the Madison . Other fun stuff included: cliff jumping at Ennis, && hiking Beartooth Bluff near Beartooth pass in Wyoming. |
Fri, 3-30-2001 | The domain transfer is complete, so most of the photo links should be working again. Many of the pictures have been re-organized, and as a result, some links pointing to them may be broken for a few days until they get updated. Currently, I have only uploaded photographs --I'm still uploading the mandelbrot pics and a few other graphic related items. |
Mon, 3-26-2001 | They ByteHammer site will be unavailable for a few days, since I'm in the process of switching servers. This should only affect the photo/picture archives. Here is a temporary link to where the pictures will eventually end up. . |
Thu, 3-15-2001 | I just finished a small scale voice test-to-speech synthesizer. Tis very... interesting :o) I uploaded version 1.07 of the mandelbrot generator, which has .avi movie saving capabilities, color pickers, && a better color smoothing function. MidiSlam has been stabilized, && bumped up to version 1.01. All updates can be seen on the C++ page. |
Thu, 3-01-2001 | Colin just released version 1.33 of Max10. |
Thu, 2-15-2001 | Dave threw a LAN party in his basement a couple of weeks ago... it rocked! A question you never should ask at a LAN party is "Has anyone seen my AOL disk?" |
Wed, 2-14-2001 | I put in a link on the PHP section to our software engineering semester project, NetMatrix. |
Sat, 2-10-2001 | Mandelbrot Generator version 1.06 is out and loaded with new features. I uploaded the current MIDI program that I'm working on as well. Both can be found on the C++ page. |
Thu, 2-08-2001 | The write-up for "Max-10-Artist-Title Patch" on the C++ page has been modified. Version 3.10 of Max10 was just released && Colin, (the author), included the patch. If you download it, a reference to my code is in the credits in Whatsnew.txt -- so check it out! |
Wed, 2-07-2001 | Throughout the site, I modified all links that point to pages outside of this web-page, (except for pictures), so that they now open in a new window. |
Sun, 1-28-2001 | Updated && added links to course webpages on my schedule. |
Tue, 1-16-2001 | I spent the day writing a program called cm11aZapper to turn my apartment room's lights on && off. |
Thu, 1-11-2001 | When this page's host server, (esus), was switched over to the new Apache server, directory listing got turned off. As a result, I had to do some updating to fix many of the site's links. |
Tue, 1-09-2001 | I've rearranged my room, so I have a new pic of neo with the casio keyboard. |
Mon, 1-08-2001 | Updated C++, PHP, && Perl sections. |
Fri, 1-05-2001 | Isn't it about time for a guestbook? Sign it!!! |
Thu, 1-04-2001 | Mandelbrot Generator version 1.04 is ready to rumble. It allows saving of configurations && has a more robust drag box. |
Wed, 1-03-2001 | I Linked in two new research papers from this past semester, (quantum computing && eye tracking). Added my new keyboard to the PC section. By the way, if you have an SBLive && you're into midi, I uploaded a sound font called "madcow" that I made using a hilarious sound clip, (890k zipped). |
Tue, 1-02-2001 | Added a pile of new pictures taken by cousin Joe && mom. Visit Pine Creek (84-93 & cold 1-2), Fairy Lake, Yankee Jim Canyon on the Yellowstone River, and Cottonwood Canyon. And I almost forgot... last semester && the previous semester, I brought a camera to school for a day, so here's what goes on in some of my classes . |
Wed, 12-13-2000 | My schedule for Spring 2001 is posted. I also updated the following sections with minor adjustments: interests, work, contact, && the index page. |
Fri, 12-08-2000 | Uploaded some pics taken last year in Truman Gulch in the Bridgers. |
Mon, 11-20-2000 | OkaySystems is now a live site, so check them out at |
Sun, 11-19-2000 | Updated my mp3 playlists to include volumes 1 through 30. |
Fri, 11-17-2000 | Added a few new toys to the my PC. |
Sat, 9-30-2000 | New title bar on the main page. :o) |
Fri, 9-29-2000 | Posted my most current resume. |
Thu, 9-28-2000 | Moved all of the images to because my esus quota was nearly full. |
Tue, 9-12-2000 | While waiting for the MSU server to get back up after the power outage, I uploaded some pics of my bike, (esus was up && running). |
Sat, 9-02-2000 | Moved all of my stuff off of onto esus. Xoom is always down && it's a worthless hunk of junk. Luke Albers, the sysadmin for esus could eat their finest administrator for breakfast && go back for seconds. |
Fri, 9-01-2000 |
For all you crosseyed peoplez out there, I created some stereograms of the mandelbrot set ;-) |
Tue, 8-08-2000 | Version 1.03 of the mandelbrot fractal program supports saving as bitmap files! The fractal tutorial has been updated with a section at the bottom that deals with zooming techniques. |
Mon, 8-07-2000 | I finally got more disk quota, so i added some new pictures! My newest music playlist has been uploaded in html format (768k). |
Sun, 8-06-2000 | Version 1.021 of the mandelbrot fractal program is out. The only difference between 1.020 is that the zooming square is more visible. Uploaded Binary City, which took 37 hours to render. |
Tue, 8-01-2000 | I've posted my school schedule for Fall 2000 |
Tue, 7-18-2000 | No pics yet, I'm fighting my zip drive. Due to another all-nighter, version 1.02 of the mandelbrot fractal program is out! Aside from a few new tweaks and updates, hardware refresh using blt makes redraws much faster, && drag-a-square zooming is now supported! |
Tue, 7-11-2000 | Just got off July 4th vacation, so within the next few days I'll be uploading tons of photos. I uploaded nine of them this morning of a short hike in cottonwood canyon. By the way, the ByteHammer Media site is up && running. If you haven't figured out where the pipe pics from the Narrow Escape pic are from yet, here's a hint. |
Mon, 6-12-2000 | Narrow Escape. A composition of 2D images put into Bryce 4. It's one of those pics that are "not quite, but almost", 3D. The piping pictures were taken from... well, we'll let you figure that out, (or ask). |
Fri, 06-09-2000 | Added my new scanner to the, my PC, section. Posted a screen shot of the ti-82 game minesweeper. Added our CS 470 project, "Visual Inventory", to the c++ page. Updated the, work, && contacts, sections. I decided to link to my old xoom account, which gave me room to put up more files like a collection of useful binaries , my mp3 playlists, && Spanish lists. |
Sun, 04-22-2000 | Uploaded the rest of the 3D fractals that I rendered yesterday. |
Sat, 04-22-2000 | Here's a cool idea. Importing fractals as a terrain in Bryce 4. All of them are located here, && were rendered at 1280x1024. |
Fri, 04-21-2000 | Finished up a Bryce rendering of a mutation inside of a cave. I also used some fractals that were generated with the mandelbrot fractal program to map the 2D images onto some mountains in Bryce 4. Both were rendered at 1280x1024. |
Mon, 04-16-2000 | Posted Staircase Canyon. This sucker took around 37 hours to render on my K6-2 450! It rendered at 1280x960 --my desktop size ;o) |
catch up..... | Here's a catch up session for this semester. Points of interest include the mandelbrot fractal program coded in MFC for Windows, a mandelbrot tutorial, && a really sweet 3'x4' poster printed at BTC. |